Aircraft Maintenance Specialist
Engine, Power Plant, System Overhauls, Heavy Maintenance or Maintenance Audits, our Maintenance Specialists have experience in all areas of aviation maintenance.
We have just the expert to fit your needs
Dan Allison After graduation from high school in June of 1967, Dan joined the US Air Force starting basic training in July of that year. Dan was then assigned to aircraft maintenance training at Shepard AFB-->See More
Stephen Carbone is an FAA-certificated airframe and powerplant (A&P) mechanic/technician with 40 years of experience in aircraft line and hangar maintenance, airline operations, major accident investigation and government oversight. -->See More
Douglas Clark attended the College of Aeronautics at LaGuardia Airport in New York City, for The FAA’s Airframe & Powerplant licenses, Avionics training and the Bachelor of Technology in -->See More
LaWayne Engelstad is a Quality Control Inspector for a major airline, an instrument-rated private pilot, and an Airframe and Powerplant technician. LaWayne is also founder and President of a software -->See More
Captain Richard “RJ” Johnson has over 25 years flying experience and 20 years as a general aviation mechanic. RJ is currently an Airbus captain with a major airline where he provided-->See More
Captain Ted Steffens has over 30 years flying experience and 5 years as a general aviation mechanic and shop foreman. Ted also has 2 years experience as a mechanic for a major airline-->See More
Hal Stephens Multi-talented, world travelled, aircraft maintenance professional with extensive background within the corporate aircraft field, including over fifteen years as an international corporate -->See More